Calculator Widget

Add Calculator Widget to Your Website

Calculator Widget is a feature that allows you to easily integrate hundreds of different calculation tools from our website into your own website for free. These widgets increase your site’s engagement by allowing your visitors to perform calculations instantly.

Calculator Widgets not only add additional value to your website, but also improve the user experience. Your visitors can perform the calculations they need without leaving your site. This increases user satisfaction and time spent on your site.

Features of the Calculator Widget

Calculator Widgets support different types of calculators and converters and are fully customizable.

You can configure the size, title and language structure of your website. Plus, they are mobile-friendly and work seamlessly on all devices.

How to Add Calculator Widget?

It is very simple to add the calculator, conversion and randomizer widgets offered for free by to your website.

You can add it to your website in seconds just by following the steps below:

  1. Visit the calculation tool page you want to add. (Example: Age Calculator)
  2. Click on the “Add to Your Site” button on the page (just below the calculator).
  3. On the page that will open, customize the widget as you wish.
  4. Copy the customized shortcode by pressing the Copy button.
  5. Paste it into the HTML code on the page you want to add to your website.

That’s all 🙂

Note: When adding the calculator to your website, you can choose the language that suits you best. When you are on the calculation tool page you want to add, you can easily add the calculation tool in that language to your website by selecting the language at the top of the page. (Example: English, French, Arabic, Russian, etc.)

Advantages of the Calculator Widget

Today, all webmasters and website owners try various methods to increase their traffic. To gain more awareness and retain visitors, you can take advantage of adding hundreds of different calculation and conversion tools to your website for free.

Here are some important advantages of adding the calculator widget to your website:

  • Provide a better and more effective experience for your website visitors
  • Increase the visit duration of the pages on your website
  • You increase the likelihood that your visitors will revisit pages where you have added a calculator tool
  • You can increase your advertising revenues through visitor interaction
  • You will be indexed more effectively by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Yandex, Bing, etc.
  • No additional load on your website and pages
  • Contributes to SEO efforts for your website

and you can get many more advantages.